Shiffrinová bojuje s koronavírusom. Radí ako cvičiť doma a zložila aj pieseň

22. 3. 2020 |

Americká lyžiarka Mikaela Shiffrinová učí ako cvičiť v domácej karanténe, ako si umyť ruky. A zložila aj pieseň.

Slávna lyžiarka Mikaela Shiffrinová sa podelila s fanúšikmi o cvičenia, akým sa dá venovať v domácej karanténe, či vyzvala ľudí, aby dodržiavali hygienické návyky. Najnovšie prejavila svoje umelecké sklony. Rozhodla sa podporiť ľudí, ktorí bojujú proti pandémii nového koronavírusu v prvej línii, a zložila im pieseň.

Shiffrinová: Ako cvičiť doma

Dvadsaťpäťročná Američanka sa počas uplynulej zimy prezentovala na sociálnych sieťach interpretovaním viacerých skladieb a najnovšie sa vložila do autorskej úlohy.

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"Každý deň sme svedkovia neuveriteľných činov dobra a veľkorysosti. Lekári a zdravotné sestry naďalej pomáhajú aj miliónom chorých, ktorých problémy nesúvisia s týmto konkrétnym vírusom. Tisícky zdravotníkov v dôchodku sa dobrovoľne vrátili do nemocníc, ďalší vyvíjajú lieky a vakcíny na túto a všetky ostatné choroby. Hasiči, policajti, všetci vo verejnoprospešných službách. Vojaci, ktorí sú rozpoltení medzi povinnosťou chrániť naše krajiny a túžbou chrániť vlastné rodiny," napísala Shiffrinová k videu s piesňou na instagrame.


With so many people in self-isolation right now, I’ve seen a lot of really cool workout ideas circulating online and on social media, and I thought I’d share the workout I did yesterday! Explanation below with substitution ideas (below, in comments) if you don’t have any equipment. Of course, every time you see a workout vid out there, use your best judgment on your own comfort level and ability. The most important thing is that everyone stays safe. There’s no need to get hurt at home doing any of these workouts, especially when hospital care and resources are so limited. With that said, enjoy! 🏋🏼‍♂️💪🚴🏼‍♀️ Set 1: -Bike intervals: 30 sec. hard, 20 sec. rest x 5-10 -90º/90º hip openers with activation x 4-5 per side -Plank row x 8 per side (try to keep everything solid, no twisting your hips or shifting weight) -Dead bug SLOW x 5 per side (count to 3 each rep, with or without weight) -Straight into full sit-ups SLOW x 10 (my strength coach would say “savor it!”, lower back to the ground slowly and with control, with or without weight) -Pull-ups x as many as you can do. (if you aren’t able to do one, you can use a chair to start at the top and then do slow-eccentric let-downs- try to count to 5 or 10 seconds as you let down.) -Repeat ALL 2-3 times Set 2: -Sideways monster-band walks with scapula-stabilization x15 steps each direction -Single-leg glute burners x 15 per side (with or without band, stand on one leg with slight knee flexion and extend the other diagonally backwards. Keep your lower back solid, the motion comes from your glutes/hips, not your back! Use a wall or pole etc. to assist with balance) -Body-weight overhead squats x 15 (with or without band) -Single-leg stair jumpers x 6 per side (drop down onto one leg fast, and then explode up from that same leg onto the step) -Double-leg continues stair hops x 10 (jump up and down on the stair continuously.) Optional bonus: -Handstand push-ups x 6 -Handstand walk-outs x 4 -Repeat ALL 2-3 times (substitution detail in comments) @oakley @adidas #HereToCreate #createdwithadidas

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Mikaela Shiffrin ⛷💨 (@mikaelashiffrin),


Shiffrinová: Ako cvičiť doma 

Shiffrinová má za sebou náročné obdobie aj z osobnej stránky, začiatkom februára jej zomrel otec. Po nečakanej strate prerušila svoju súťažnú sezónu, návrat plánovala na marcovom podujatí Svetového pohára v Are. Nákaza koronavírusu sa však dovtedy rozšírila tak, že sa nesúťažilo už ani vo Švédsku a trojnásobná víťazka veľkého glóbusu prišla o možnosť obhájiť trofeje z minulej zimy.


We are witnessing incredible acts of kindness and selflessness every day. The doctors and nurses helping the ill, and continuing to help the millions who have sickness and injuries not even related to this specific virus. The thousands of retired health professionals who have volunteered their services to aid the hospitals strained in space and resources. Those testing and developing treatments and vaccinations to this and every other disease. The firefighters, police force, and every other kind of public service worker and defender out there. Our service people from the Army, Navy, Air Force and beyond who unable to return home though they may feel torn in half by their obligation to protect our countries from afar and their longing to protect their families from home. In Italy, a lot of the food plants are slowing down production significantly because the workers are worried about going to work, even though these plants are held to an incredibly high sanitation standard. Yet, these food plants staying in production is essential for the general public to continue to have access to food... So I did a really small thing, in the grand scheme of everything. I wrote a song— inspired by the plant employees of my @barilla family continuing to put the public needs ahead of their own needs and fears, but it is a message to everyone. Thank you.

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Mikaela Shiffrin ⛷💨 (@mikaelashiffrin),

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